Notes from Sunday – 10/04/09

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  • Notes from Sunday – 10/04/09
  • I love first Sundays. The celebration of the Lord’s Supper is a special time in the life of our congregation. Today was no different.

    I am grateful for our deacons and deaconess who serve quietly and diligently to make the Lord’s Supper (and baptism) a meaningful time of worship and fellowship.

    I was out of town last Sunday. So I think I was additionally excited about being in worship today with my own church family.

    In my new members class, I taught on “What You Can Expect from Shiloh,” sharing some of our fundamental doctrinal convictions and spiritual priorities. The time seemed to fly by this morning.

    The choir really blessed us in both services today. I was greatly encouraged by the song, “Jesus Is A Rock In A Weary Land.”<

    I plan to preach on Financial stewardship and Christian generosity on Sunday mornings during the month of October. I began yesterday with a message from 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, entitled, “A Church Worth Talking About.”

    Point: A generous congregation is a church worth talking about.

    In verse 4 of my text, Paul makes the point that our giving is not just a private matter. It is an issue of fellowship. I was very eager to make that point in my message. However, I left it out of both presentations of the message.

    During my sermon in the second sermon, I said something that amused me to no end. Or maybe it was the way I said it. Either way, it took everything within me to hold it together. It happens.

    It is said that someone sent Charles Spurgeon a letter complaining that he could not be a spiritual man because of he used humor in the pulpit. He replied by saying that the person would be more impressed with how spiritual he was if they knew how many humorous things he refrained from saying.

    Praise God for those who were saved and added to our congregation today.

    Please remember Andrae Robinson in your prayers.

    I spent this evening flying to Los Angeles. In the morning, I am scheduled to speak at The Master’s College in Santa Clarita (President John MacArthur). I am also to do an afternoon session. Tomorrow evening, I am to speak at the Los Angeles Bible Training School (President Paul Felix). Tuesday morning, I am scheduled to speak at The Master’s Seminary (President John MacArthur). Please remember these meetings in your prayers.


    H.B. Charles Jr.

    Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida.