Preaching in my Old Man’s Shadow

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  • Preaching in my Old Man’s Shadow
  • Sunday night, I was privileged to preach for my friend Pastor Michael Ealey at the Christ Second Baptist Church in Long Beach. Pastor Ealey has been preaching me since I was a boy. And he has proven to be a faithful friend over the years. I remember when I was going through a storm in the early days of my pastorate. Many of my “friends” backed away. But one day I got a call from Pastor Ealey to let me know that he was there for me and was covering me in prayer. I will never forget that act of kindness. It encouraged me at a critical time. So whenever I can be of any service to Pastor Ealey, I’m all in.

    Christ Second Baptist Church is celebrating its 100th church anniversary this year. And one of the reasons why Ealey invited me is because my father pastured Christ Second for 10 years. My you, my father served MSMBC for forty years, and I have served there for 16 years. So that tells you how long ago this was. Yet, every time I go to Christ Second, I meet someone who was baptized, married, etc. by my father. It’s amazing. One lady compared my preaching to my father’s younger days. I was honored. It’s one of the best compliments I’ve received in a long time. Plus, without me really knowing it, God used me to preach a timely message to Pastor Ealey and the congregation. I am glad to have been invited to join in this wonderful celebration. As tired as I was, I really left there renewed by the worship and the fellowship. Please remember Pastor Ealey and the Christ Second Church in your prayers.


    H.B. Charles Jr.

    Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida.