Preaching @ Mt. Gilead

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  • Preaching @ Mt. Gilead
  • Last night, I began the first of three nights of preaching (8/8-10) at the Mt. Gilead Missionary Baptist Church in Wichita, Kansas. Pastor Terrance Floyd is the organizing pastor of this young congregation, which is about four years old. This is my third time here for Mt. Gilead, I think. I was invited several years ago to preach for them during the Simultaneous Revival here in Wichita. It was a great experience and a wonderful honor to minister the word to this infant congregation, which may have been about a year old. I was truly grateful for the privilege and opportunity. The next year, I was unable to come during the simultaneous meeting. But Pastor Floyd invited me back during a later part of the year. And I was glad to come. And it is good to be here again with the wonderful congregation. Pastor Floyd and I have become friends. He is a kind and humble man. He loves the Lord and is striving to become a better pastor a preacher. I am very encouraged by the fact that when we talk I usually receive some type of report ongoing education is pastoral leadership and expository preacher. Rather than coasting, as many pastors are tempted to do, he is diligently striving to become a better pastor. Praise God for that. Remember me in your prayers for the next two nights. And remember Pastor Terrance Floyd and the Mt. Gilead Church in your prayers, as well.


    H.B. Charles Jr.

    Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida.