Prayer Emphasis Week 2014

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  • Prayer Emphasis Week 2014
  • This has been Prayer Emphasis Week at the Shiloh Church. Our simple goal is to begin our year in prayer, submitting to God’s will and depending upon power. And it has been a great week!

    _MAR0201-SIn past years, we have prepared prayer guides with specific targets to pray for each day. And we had a daily prayer meeting at noon to pray together.

    But we have done something different this year. On Sunday, members wrote prayer requests on cards and brought them to the steps around our pulpit. And we left them there, asking members to come throughout the week and spend at least 15 minutes praying for the needs of others. There has been continual flow of members into our main auditorium this week in prayer for others. Praise God!

    _MAR0208-X2I can testify that it has been heart-softening to cover the needs of the saints in prayer. And in the process of praying for others, the Lord has ministered to me.

    We had one midday prayer meeting at noon on Wednesday, along with our Midweek Worship Service. Of course, I have preached on prayer this week.

    Each morning this week, we have also had a live prayer call at 6 AM. I have read one of the Psalms, making a devotional application. And we have spent a few minutes in prayer to start a day together. The calls were only 10 minutes long. But it has been wonderful to pray with and for the saints during these early watches. We will definitely have to find a way to do these calls again in the future!

    Tonight (Friday, 1/17), we will have an all-night prayer meeting. The psalms often mention praying to God in the night watches. Jesus spent all night seeking the will of the Father. And throughout church history, devout Christians have set times where they have sacrificed sleep for prayer.

    This is our 3rd All-Night Prayer Meeting. It will begin at 10 pm. We will sing praises to God. We will read scripture. At midnight, I will preach. (I call it “The Midnight Special”!) We will also have devotional readings and testimonies. But most of the night will be spent in prayer. We have periods marked to pray for the lost, our church, the city, families, the sick, and the nations. During one hour, we will have prayer stations with specific matters to pray for. Our youth and young adults will even lead an hour.

    Thank you, Shiloh, for your participation in Prayer Emphasis Week. I hope your are as strengthened, refreshed, and encouraged as I am.

    God is always moving in response to our prayers. And we have great expectations for what God will do in the days, weeks, and months ahead!

    It happens after prayer! 


    H.B. Charles Jr.

    Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida.