Learn about Jesus!

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  • So learn about Jesus! Follow the sacred counsel of Ezekiel and eat the scroll. Learn about Jesus for His word is a lamp unto our feet (or for our present moments) and a light unto our paths (that is, for our future) amidst moral blackouts and human power failures. Learn about Jesus for what a tragic mindset in the church that many will go here and there to be bigger, better teachers, lawyers, doctors, but when it comes to Christian education, many choose to be mental moral midgets, spiritual shrimps and shorties, religious runts, whose inner growth is stunted by the bread of mediocrity served frequently at churches who are ecclesiastical fast-food houses, selling a Burger King religious of “having it your own way,” devoid of devotion, while seasoned with mostly commotion and emotion, while the souls of men starve, asking, “Where is the beef?” or “Where is the meaning, the purpose, and the practical definitions of the faith?” – Asriel G. McLain, Words from My Workshop, p. 146


    H.B. Charles Jr.

    Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida.