Breaking Free from the Chokehold of Anxiety

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  • Breaking Free from the Chokehold of Anxiety
  • Sunday, I took a shot at our temptation to worry. I preached from one of my favorite sections of scripture – the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7). My pastoral burden was to challenge and encourage my congregation to trust God and stop worrying.

    Here is the sermon skeleton:

    Title: “”What Are You Worrying About?”

    Text: Matthew 6:25-34

    Theme: Overcoming Worry through Faith in God

    Point: In order to be a full-devoted follower of Jesus Christ, you must overcome the sinful tendency to worry about the needs in your life.


    I. Do not worry about the needs in your life (6:25-30).

        A. Do not worry about what you will eat (vv. 26)

        B. Do not worry about how long you are going to live (v. 27)

        C. Do not worry about what you are going to wear (vv. 28-30)

    II. Learn to worry about the things that matter the most (6:31-33).

        A. People who do not know God seek after things (v. 32).

        B. People who know God seek God (v. 33).

    III. Wait to worry about tomorrow (6:34).


    H.B. Charles Jr.

    Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida.