On Being A Servant God

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  • As we begin this new year, I will begin recommending a Book of the Month for our congregation to read, which we will also make available to our members in our church’s resource center. I was considering which book to start with, and in a conversation with our deacon chairman, he mentioned a book that the deacons read in training: On Being A Servant of God by Warren W. Wiersbe. And as soon as he mentioned it, I had my book for January.

    This book is also a good work for us to read this month as we are gearing up for Ministry Emphasis Sunday on January 25, in which we will challenge our membership to get involved in the body-life of our church. My prayer for SMBC is that participating membership will be the standard. And as we follow the example of the Lord Jesus, I long for a “foot-washing” culture to permeate the fellowship of Shiloh. May the Lord use this little book to bring that to pass.

    I am a huge fan of the writings of Warren Wiersbe. His ability to simplify and synthesize a passage of scripture has aided my studies over the years in unspeakable ways. And only God knows how many “Wierbe-isms” I have quoted in my preaching and teaching over the years. I thank God for the gift Wierbe’s writings have been to me and to the church at-large. You virtually can’t go wrong when you decide to pick up a Wiersbe book or commentary. But this little gem may be one of his best works.

    On Being a Servant of God is a goldmine of spiritual wisdom. Each chapter is a brief devotional – only a page or two – on a particular subject of Christian ministry and service. And at the heart of it all is Wiersbe’s definition of ministry. It may be the best statement about what ministry/servant that I have read outside of the scriptures themselves. Here it is: “Ministry takes place when divine resources meet human needs through loving channels for the glory of God.” (p. 3)

    I highly recommend On Being a Servant of God to you. And even though it is a quick read, I encourage you to read it slowly. Give yourself the opportunity to be challenged to be a more faithful servant of God. Then share this great little book with someone else. Better yet, buy a copy for someone. You’ll want to hold on to yours for future reference, as you continue to grow as a follower of Jesus Christ and servant of God.

    H.B. Charles Jr.

    Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida.